For instance, did you know that 26 is the only single number between a square and a cube? Yeah, I know, mind boggling. 25 is the square of 5 and 27 is the cube of 3. 26 sits right in between, by itself! No other numbers are with it in there. Pierre de Fermat proved that, according to Wikipedia. Also according to Wikipedia, 26 is the gematric number of the true name of god: YHWH. Again, impressive.
There is more, but the rest gets a little complex. I think the point is well made that 26 is no birthday at which to scoff. In addition, Lindsey’s birthday falls on April 10th, which is a notable day, thus making every birthday important. How is April 10th notable, you ask? Well, back in 1974, it was the day Penn and Teller met one another. I mean, that was big, right? It was also the day the U.S. patent system was formed in 1790. And way back in 837, it was the day Halley’s Comet approached to within 0.0334 AUs of Earth.
Oh, and I almost forgot, a number of celebrities share this special day of birth with my lovely wife. Who? Well, Mandy Moore and Haley Joel Osment for starters. How about Ken Griffey Sr. of Major League Baseball fame and John Madden, former coach in the NFL? Yes, they were born on April 10th. And this brings me to the cream of the birthday sharing crop, drum roll please . . . that’s right, Steven Seagal. Need I say more?
So, though it may not seem like it, today is a very important day for many reasons, but top on that list is that Lindsey was born. I may be very thankful for that event, but I am certainly not the only one. You are very loved, Lindsey, and not just by me. Happy Birthday.
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