The last show that I watched with as much enthusiasm as LOST was Seinfeld. I was 14 when the final episode of Seinfeld aired, and I remember being teary eyed during the pre-show montage of the series with Green Day’s Good Riddance playing in the background. More than a decade later, another show has come to an end, again leaving me wanting more. It was a sad occasion watching the 270 minute finale event but one that was ultimately extremely satisfying.
For the past 6 years, LOST has been the best show on television, consistent in engrossing plot and superb acting. No, every week has not been perfect, but as a whole, the 6 seasons are nothing short of phenomenal. Ok, enough praise without explanation.
If I had been told that the finale would leave so many questions unanswered, I would have expected about a 90% chance of disappointment. However, it turns out that most of the questions did not need to be answered. In fact, even with how the show ended, the main question that had been asked from the beginning, “What exactly is the island,” remained debatable. From what I have read and heard since the airing, a mere 24 hours gone, my thoughts on the message that the ending was trying to convey have for the most part been confirmed. I’ll not go into any details for those who have yet to watch. Shame on you though if you fall into that category.
What the fans got was a LOST movie event to bring to a close the stories about the these wonderful characters. Because in the end, amid all the mysteries, subplots, love triangles and quantum physics, LOST was ever about the characters. People do not support a show the way LOST has been supported without becoming attached to the characters. Jack, Sawyer, Locke, Kate, Hurly, Sayid, Charlie (always was my favorite) Ben and everyone else became our friends. They became our enemies and our companions.
We loved them far more than we ever loved the show, so it is fitting that the writers found a way to bring back all the characters, even the ones we had already said goodbye to, without some laughable gimmick. For those of you that are television fans, you know what I mean here too. Many finales find some sort of ploy to bring back all the familiar faces whether it be small group reminiscing or some lame trial with everyone who has ever been on the show serving as witnesses. For those shows that were great, like Seinfeld, we forgive the ending because of the road that brought us there.
LOST requires no forgiveness, just our praise for 6 wonderful years of exceptional television right up until the final fade out. I will miss the show, and though I will watch it again in full with my wife my brother and probably any friend I ever make who has not seen the show including the children I will eventually have, nothing will ever be able to replace the moments each week of watching the latest episode, hoping for some answers. Thank you, LOST. That is all I can say. Thank you.